Have you ever felt a presence within you? Like there was some wild thing yearning to escape, to find its rhythm and just break free? This. This is The Beast Within.

A Beast with grit, with determination, with perfect poise, form & posture. And this beast within you needs the perfect exterior - the perfect skin. It needs sports & fitness apparel to unleash itself in a seamless integration of fitness, form & function. Discover the beast within you with Iron Hyde - The Skin of the Strong

Iron Hyde

What do you think of when you think of the words Strong, Skin & Beast together? As soon as we had a picture of who we were and what we were offering, we could only envision ourselves one way - as the armour like skin of the mighty Rhinoceros - and this is truly the essence of what Iron Hyde is in a nutshell. A Skin akin to Iron fit for a beast with the Iron Spirit - Iron Hyde!

Unleash the Beast!

With the unmatched strength of premium grade
Sportswear fibre and the much needed Air Mesh cut to cool youdown as you sweat to achieve perfection.

Iron Hyde utilises Ultra-Dry technology to absorb the symptom of your struggle to perfection - from the discovery to the coming of age of the Beast within you!

Producing best in class Fitness Wear is no mean feat in and of itself. It is rife with success, failure and everything that lies in between this ever widening chasm that separates greatness from mediocrity. While we were on our quest to manufacture the perfect Iron SKin for the beasts within you, we found solace and strength in words by some of the greatest athletes that have ever lived, including one by the undisputed King of sculpted physiques, the great Arnold Schwarzenegger himself -

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. Just like in bodybuilding, failure is also a necessary experience for growth in our own lives, for if we’re never tested to our limits, how will we know how strong we really are? How will we ever grow? If you want to turn a vision into reality, you have to give 100% and never stop believing in your dream. For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.

- Arnold Schwarzenegger


Co-Founder & CEO

One of the most renowned Health & Fitness personalities in Lucknow, Mr Prateek Yadav, erstwhile Real Estate Entrepreneur and founder of the famed Iron Core Fit Gym ventured into the burgeoning field of premium Sports & Activewear with the launch of the sensational Iron Hyde Apparel in 2019, with the aim of revolutionising the Fitness apparel landscape in the Indian Market and ensuring that Indian Athletes get the very best when it comes to premium Workout and Track clothing. He cites the famous Fitness Trainer & Guru Chad Shaw as being a massive influence on him and very inspirational to his journey.


Co-Founder & Managing Director

Holding a bachelor’s degree in financial management living in Canada and Singapore Mr. Nitish Nautiyal has a global outlook towards the Indian Fitness ecosystem. He went on to combine his knowledge in business studies and his passion for fitness into successfully setting up the IronCore Gym implementation and subsequent strategies to earn IronCore Fit the fame it enjoys on Pan India level. Recognized by the Times of India Health & Wellness Award in 2016 under his leadership.